About Us
Child Safety
Melbourne Autism Child Abuse Support
Child Safety Statement
Melbourne Autism Child Abuse Support, at Aardvark Autism Services, child safety and wellbeing are embedded in our organisational culture.
Here we are committed to preventing child abuse, identifying risks before they occur, and reducing or removing these risks. Aardvark Autism ensures that children know what they can do if they feel unsafe and that they, and their families know their rights.
As mandatory reporters, we have a duty of care to children and zero tolerance of child abuse. All allegations and concerns will be treated seriously, in a child-focussed manner, and in line with our vigorous policies and procedures. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when concerned about a child’s safety, and we will uphold these obligations decisively.
Along with that we also have robust recruitment and hiring practices. All staff members undergo stringent checks and training to ensure that they are suitable for work with children. Our staff are provided with regular training and education on child abuse risks, and on how to listen and respond to children’s voices.
Aardvark Autism Services is committed to supporting inclusion, equality, diversity, and cultural safety for all children including children with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and children who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
We want children to feel safe, happy, seen and heard. We support, value, and respect all children, their families and our staff. We are committed to actively listening to, and empowering children to express their ideas, opinions and concerns, and to be involved in decision-making that affects their lives.
"A different way of thinking, a different way of being"
We come with abundant empathy, passion, experience and knowledge and cannot wait to work with you and your child.